An image of the Beam spotlight employee.

Ahmed Ayoub

An image of Beam's "B" icon.
Product Designer
An image of Beam's "globe" icon.
Jersey City, New Jersey
Words to live by:
"I'm talking about seeing the naked splendor of people's souls. I want to see our precious lives played out on the stage of the world. But how can our souls be precious if they're not utilized? If we base our lives on [...] not our own free will, then can our souls have value?" – Shogo Makishima from the show Psycho-Pass

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What do Mo Salah (a famous professional soccer player) and Ahmed have in common? They’re both Egyptian and share the same birthday, June 15th. Graduating with a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Rutgers University, he has a fondness for creativity and analytical skills with all things related to the user experience (UX). Ahmed is one of the most passionate product designers you'll ever meet. Consider him a UX architect as he sketches blueprints to create seamless and intuitive experiences for our clients. Ahmed has played a pivotal role in enhancing Beam's 'Find a dentist' tool and improving our Member Portal.

Outside of UX design, Ahmed is a self-published author (check out his book of poetry) and takes part in causes big and small that are near to his heart. During Ramadan, he had an opportunity to volunteer at the Asiyah Women's Center, the first shelter in New York City dedicated to Muslim women and children who are survivors of domestic violence and abuse.

Best part of the job: “The people! That's a very general statement, but it's true. I am privileged to work with some of the kindest, most helpful, insightful, and welcoming folks ever. Whether it's collaborating cross-functionally to build rapport and align on the vision of a solution, or in the random communication channels we've got going on, there's always a way to connect and collaborate."